WOW! Germination Update - Jan. 2018
The peas I was testing all sprouted! Yesterday! I took these photos last night before bed, but couldn't post until now. But, they were taken last night! I never expected even new seeds to germinate that quickly! Remember, they were only put in the wet paper towels on the 21st, and on the 23rd here they are...
These were Cascadia from Territorial Seed, packed for the 2016 growing season.
So, I won't need to buy new peas. I already did though, Sugar Sprint, a snap pea variety. Snap peas were developed by crossing shelling peas and snow peas. Their pods are round and plump and you eat the entire thing. Peas will be planted next month.
Oh, I adore sugar snap peas. Alas, my plants didn't fair well last growing season. Nothing did terribly well, in fact, except for the tomatoes and peppers in our Earth Boxes. Be well!