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Floral Friday Fotos - July 26, 2024

Floral Friday Fotos   Pinks and Purples My favorite gladiola, Pink Supreme .  It's more than just plain pink. The wisteria has a few second round of flowers.  I'll pulling off the pods from earlier in the year, they are toxic to dogs.  Since Mickey has gotten older (3 1/2 now) he doesn't grab everything, but it's better safe than sorry.  I tried to get rid of the plant altogether, but it came back.  It's now advised to plant native wisteria, not this type.   Grandpa Ott morning glory I love the bright light that seems to come from deep within morning glories.  A few years ago I wrote this poem for my other blog in the form mondo.  A mondo is a poem with a question and an answer, often written by two poets in collaboration, and a focus on nature.   Oh, it is also syllabic.    Trip to Faerie This light that issues from the blue morning glory, where does it originate? Faerie, I’ve no doubt. A dreamland for bee visits; See? Pollen glows on her back. ©2021 Lisa Smith Ne

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