I completely forgot Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day on the 15th!
I won't link it from the site, which is
It's a monthly thing, and I missed it... 😟
So, here's what was blooming in my garden, less the vegetables.
one gladiola (I did not plant it in the fruit tree bed!) |
lemon beebalm |
lemon beebalm |
lance-leaf coreopsis and Shasta daisies |
calendulas |
portulaca |
four o'clocks |
morning glories |
American Revolution daylily |
bachelor buttons |
Foxley thyme (this one always flowersmonths after the English, or garden, thyme) |
...and lots of different mints, which will be in a post of their own within the next few days since their flowers vary so much I thought it was interesting.
Below left - banana mint, to the right is strawberry mint.
Above is pineapple mint, on the right woolly apple mint... and the last photo shows lemony catnip (winter sown from minuscule seeds!)
So, not a whole lot of fabulous flowers in July. Too hot. It sure looks a miserable bunch!
What? These are beautiful photos. You should see my perennial garden. ~shakes head~ I have always wondered how bachelor buttons got their name. Happy Gardening!
ReplyDeleteThe daylilies are horrid this year. Small and ragged. I need to divide them when dormant.
DeleteBachelor buttons were worn by bachelors if they were "sweet" on a woman. If the flowers lasted a long time, they took that as meaning true love was possible. If the flower died soon, it just wasn't meant to be, so don't bother dating her!
Sorry about the daylilies. I never had success with them for some reason. Probably our crappy soil is to blame. When they built this neighborhood back in 1978 they just scraped off the top of the hill. Amending it these past twenty years has proven an expensive chore. Thank you for that information on the flower, and grooming. Sad to say, Tilly hates having her fur combed by anyone. ~sigh~ It's the only time she gets feisty. So, shaving is the best option and her fur takes a long time to grow out. On another bright side, our girl never seems bothered, and we keep her in an ideal, steady temperature. Thank heaven SO decided to invest in a state-of-the-art heat pump. ~nods~ Be well!
ReplyDeleteGREAT blooms. I am down to crepe myrtle blooms now...nothing more. Oh wait...Zinnias. I have a few of those. Thanks for stopping in at the blog. Come again and visit more.