Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - December 2018

It's that time again!  The time to share what's blooming in our gardens
courtesy of Carol at May Dream Gardens.

Prostrate Rosemary

 Blue Boy Rosemary

 My "ignore-it's-winter-keep-on-going" borage has buds.  I'm counting it as blooms because there's so little else to share.

And, in the words of Porky, "That's all folks."


  1. I used to grow Rosemary - lovely plants with very interesting blooms!
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

    1. I love it. I have a Tuscan Blue near my driveway I like to pull my hands along. It smells so wonderful! I usually use the prostrate one for cooking.

  2. Love that rosemary. My old bush finally succumbed in the heat of last summer. Time to shop for a new one. Happy Bloom Day.

    1. Sorry you lost yours. They do live a long time. You must have had an extra hot summer.

  3. There's not much more blooming here. Thanks for your comments on my blog, I'm not sure what to tell you about the Knautia. Mine was just started from seed this year, and made quite a large clump. It's short because it's 'Mars Midget.' Are yours getting enough sun and water? The leaves can vary greatly like you described.

    1. Thank you for responding.
      Mine are in one of the raised vegetable beds, in the corner by themselves. They get plenty of sun and watered when I watered the vegetables.
      I'm glad to hear the leaves can vary.
      I eagerly await what happens to them this next year!

  4. Your borage is doing better than mine! I had self-seeded plants coming up in my cutting garden but something ate them. Rosemary is just short of a miracle plant, I think - in addition to handling your winter cold, it's taken our drought and even our 110F July heatwave in stride.

  5. Beautiful fragrant Rosemary plant.
    Have a great week ahead.

    1. It is indeed fragrant! Did you know you can eat the blossoms? They taste like mild rosemary.
      The borage flowers taste like cucumbers. You can cook the plant too, but I don't.

  6. We keep Rosemary in a pot so we can bring it indoors at Christmas time. Love that fragrance.

  7. I should do that with my Blue Boy, it's a tiny rosemary! Since it's blooming now, and in a pretty blue pot, it would make a nice addition to a centerpiece.

  8. I love the smell of rosemary on my hands too, and how it can bloom all winter!

  9. Rosemary seems to grow so low to the ground. I love the herb but didn’t get any started a my new place. Having a blooming plant at our place would be a miracle here.


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