Six on Saturday - in my garden

I've been noticing a lot of "Six on Saturday" blog posts showing six things going on in the garden, so I thought I'd join in.

Six things that have germinated in my Winter Sown containers.  There are others, but these were some of the first, and are the biggest as of today.

1 - blanket flower

2 - Roman chamomile

3 - Tidy Tips

4 - purple tansy

5 - pink catnip

6 - bunny tails grass


  1. Welcome to the Six on Saturday gang. You've got so many seeds on the go - lots of colour come summer.

    1. Thank you for the welcome!
      I love getting a peek into other people's gardens!
      Oh, you don't know the half of the seeds I have! I expect I won't need to buy any next year since I packets, even "sample" ones have way more than I use, and last years.

  2. Welcome to SoS. I’m always impressed by people who can propagate seeds so well, as I am spectacularly unsuccessful at it!

  3. Try winter sowing, it's super easy and it works! This is only my second year, and I fear I have over done it. I have 95 containers now sown.

    I was no good at indoor seed starting. I tried a few years back with light fixtures and shelves etc. I ended up giving all the stuff away on Craigslist.

    Last year my son gave me a heating mat for the kitchen counter (only place cats don't go!), and I bought a light that clamps to the counter, with three goose-neck lights. Prices of those came way down with the popularity of growing weed!

    Do try winter sowing. If you're in the Northern hemisphere it isn't too late to do it!

  4. Hiya, welcome to SoS!

    You certainly have a lot of seeds on the go so will be interesting to see how they germinate over the following months.

  5. So glad you're joining in, Lisa! I should probably know this, but what are Tidy Tips? Yes, the price of all lighting has come down considerably with all the pot growers now. A boon for us!

    1. Ha Ha! Tidy Tips is such a cute name, I couldn't resist growing it! It's an annual, daisy shaped flowers, yellow with ruffled white edges. I bought seeds for Garland Daisy too, but it looks so much the same I didn't plant them.

      I've never grown Tidy Tips either, so hoping for the best.

      Ah... Washington State. Yes, pot growers... My former employer made a lot of money at first (soils and fencing), and unwisely expanded, during the boon at first in OR. Now they've had to close two stores so far and the first one out of state is struggling. Oh, well, not my problem anymore!

  6. Replies
    1. They are cute! I love different kinds of catnip and catmint, and they grow from seed so easily. One cat, Benny, loves fresh catnip leaves and stems, he eats them, but only from the plain catnip, no fancy types! The other doesn't care for fresh at all.


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