Look What Happened Overnight!

 Purple Russian Tomatoes - I put two in each cell and will cut the runts off once they show themselves.

So, it was time to bring out the gro-light.  Seeds don't need light, they need warmth.  Once they germinate the light is needed, but not so much the warmth. Not all mine are germinated, so I left them on the heat mat, but only covered the un-germinated ones.

I love this gro-light I bought in 2018.  It securely clamps on to my kitchen counter, and has three gooseneck lights with individual switches.  I can really bend them right where I need the light.

Black Chocolate cherry tomatoes are starting to poke up too.


  1. It's exciting when the seeds start to come up. We haven't started any of our seeds yet - that will wait until March.

    1. It is exciting, like we've survived winter! I guess you still have snowy times though. I always doubt my tomato growing capabilities, they start out so tiny and fragile.

  2. Replies
    1. It is! I had my first daffodils open fully yesterday, Tete-a-Tete, which are always the early ones.


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