Pretty New Herbs

I meant to wait until this weekend (the annual Master Gardener's Spring Garden Fair!) to buy more herbs, but couldn't resist these three beauties/cuties.  I must have been in a variegated mood, until they got together for the photo shoot I didn't realize they were all green and white, even though I bought them at the same time!

This thyme was developed in England, at Foxhollow Herb Nursery, hence its name.  

It's so pretty.  It doesn't look like a lavender at all!  Not that lavenders aren't pretty, they are.  This one just looks different.
The best thing about these new herbs is that they need some new containers!  My formal  herb garden has just enough room for some new cilantro, maybe another small thyme or sage.  Maybe I can remove the big stump under the ivy in a bed off the deck and make another herb garden?  Right now it's some strawberries and a bunch of succulents.  The stump is under that ivy in the left hand corner. I'm not sure the stump even wiggles though.  If I need containers I'll keep my eyes peeled this Saturday during the city-wide garage sale!  

The snow damaged tree branches still aren't all cleaned up - little by little I get them into the twice monthly green waste pick-up can.


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