No, No! Too Soon, Too Soon! Heating Mats Sure do Work!

I just got my heating pad set up and planted on March 8th.  Now the seeds are already up!  I'm not ready for them!  I ordered a nifty gro-light that isn't here yet! 

I couldn't think of many places to put the mat, since one cat gets into everything.  He doesn't often get on the counter on one side of the kitchen (at least that I know, he isn't supposed to), so I put it in the corner where he wouldn't really see it. 

 I filled my Dollar Tree cells with Dollar Tree seed starting mix.  I poked one hole in each cell and dropped two seeds into each hole, then pushed on the mix to cover them. 

I planted 5 kinds of tomatoes, 6 cells each.  Yellow Brandywine, Ditmarsher, Golden Jubilee, Hoskins-Barger, and Dr. Wyche's Yellow (a free gift). In the last 6 I planted white eggplant, just for the pretty plant.  If they don't grow, I'm fine, the seeds were an eBay bargain from China.   I don't need 6 plants of each kind, but my seed starting success isn't very successful, so if I get one to grow well that's plenty.

Today, just 5 days later a lot of the tomatoes have sprouted!  I moved it all into my room for the day, where there is some daylight.  Wouldn't you know, yesterday was sunny and warm (the first warm days always feel hot!), and now it's dark and rainy. 

I'll have to transport them back and forth and hope my light gets here soon.  That bottom heating sure did get those seeds to germinate super fast!


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