Spring has done an about face. It's like it appeared, didn't like what it saw, and crawled back into bed. It's cold! It's windy! It's snowy! It's just plain nasty out!
Are the winter sown seeds okay? I don't know, but I'll have to trust they are, being people in much colder places than I have success. I just don't have patience!
A few more seeds are up in their little plastic pods.
Swiss chard - March 2 |
Cilantro - March 2 |
Spinach - March 2 |
Wallflower - March 2 |
I ran out of potting soil, but have quite a few empty jugs and Slurpee-type cups available. Depending on the weather tomorrow, I may take a trip to Lowe's for more soil. Maybe there will be some
half-off busted bags! One can hope, for as they say, "Hope springs eternal!" And I'm hoping for spring to be here soon!
You have way more patience than I do. Seed starting has been an epic fail in past decades because I didn't understand how to harden off the young plants. Heh... Now that I know better I'm too lazy to try, though SO had some great success with Thai Dragon hot peppers last summer. Happy Gardening!