Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - January 2020

Thanks Carol, of May Dreams Gardens, for getting me out into the cold in search of blooms today in my Southern Oregon zone 8b garden!

 Black-eyed Susan in the Toss Garden.  Apparently they are perennial!

 'Blue Boy' Rosemary - doesn't he have the prettiest shape?  This variety usually does.  And it's one of the herbs that stays small enough for a sunny windowsill in winter.

Knautia Macedonica 'Red Knight'


 Prostrate Rosemary


Sea Thrift

 'Tuscan Blue' Rosemary - it's much brighter and darker purple than the others.

 Wild Violets

...and last, but not least, as they say... 

Bird's Nest Fungi!
Okay, this isn't a "bloom," as fungi do not flower, but these are fruiting bodies, sort of the same.  Plus, I really, really like them!

Hope your Bloom Day is a great one!


  1. I am intrigued by the birds nest fungi - it is so aptly named. Rosemary is a challenge where we live in upstate New York. Right now trying to keep two plants alive, so I enjoyed yours in bloom. Happy GBBD!

    1. I am fascinated by the bird's best fungus! Last year I had a lot in a bed and took picture after picture! There us a post here with them. I guess you get too cold for rosemary?

  2. The fungus is wonderful! I always think of fungi as something that pops up in response to warm, wet weather but clearly there are varieties that like cold as well.

    1. Last year I found a lot of them in the Butterfly Garden, in early Dec.

  3. Beautiful blooms,Black eyed Susan is stunning.Thanks for sharing Bird's nest fungi they are unique .Happy bloggers blooms day.

    1. Thank you. One more month and maybe the garden will have more flowers!

  4. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment :)
    Your photos are amazing, and I admit, I love fungi, getting close to it shows the beauty and your birds nest fungus sure is lovely.

    1. I love close-ups of fungus! And the bird's nest are my favorite. I had never seen them until last December, and now I search for them! They aren't easy to find in ones and twos, tiny.


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