Sunday Funnies - September 13, 2020

(Photos from August, when the air was clean and Baby Cat and I could go outside.)

I cut back the lemony catnip flowering stems and tossed them into the Toss Garden.  Baby Cat found them. 

 I have heard it said that her tongue is too large for her mouth.

Maybe it's true!


  1. Replies
    1. One of my other cats, Benny, loves fresh catnip leaves and stems to eat, but won't go hear this lemony catnip. The third is lukewarm about it. It has a pretty strong smell of lemon in the leaves.

  2. Replies
    1. I think so too! She's the one who showed up July 5th. She's mine now!

  3. What a sweetie! At least she doesn't eat your plants down to the ground as a neighboring cat does with Nepeta in my garden. I hope you're safe, Lisa, and that the air quality isn't too bad in your area.

    1. The air quality has been in the Hazardous range for the past few days, but this morning it is "only" Very Unhealthy!
      My daughter's, in Portland, has been nearly to 500, which begins the "Beyond the AQI" ranges!

      This cat is very good, she likes catnip but never crawls into the beds to get it. Now she's indoors, which is where I planned to keep her anyway, but not in such a sudden way. She is older, and I think will be a nice companion while gardening, then coming in. The other cats never go out.
      You take care too.


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