Shadow Shot Sunday - December 6, 2020

 Shadow Shot Sunday

Photo Shoot: A Cat and Her Shadow

Starring Baby Cat, the one who showed up in the backyard on July 5 of this year. She's gained lots of weight since then, and is fluffy with quite a mane, as you can see in the shadow above! 



  1. Replies
    1. Cats think a lot of themselves! Haughty pose!

  2. Nice shots ... a black shadow for a black cat ;-)

    1. I really like the middle shot-like a silhouette.

    2. Thank you, both. I love silhouettes. When I was a little girl there was a silhouette cutter at a park/lake in downtown Oakland, CA. I have mine somewhere. I also have my father's and aunt's. It's amazing how it looks just like my father!

  3. Replies
    1. She is quite smart! Not bully smart like her "brother."

  4. Replies
    1. A bright day after a long stretch of rain. No haze or pollution or smoke.

  5. What a beautiful cat! That white streak on his nose is so unique!

    1. Sometimes I have to look at her face to tell her apart from the other tuxedo cat, Velvet! She's much smaller, but fluffy, and if not next to each other I tend to mistake them for each other. So does the dog, which is why he didn't try to chase her out of the yard the first time he saw her! He usually chases cats away, but then, she didn't run. I think she was too worn out and hungry to run any more.

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you. No credit goes to me, Baby Cat was just waiting impatiently to get back inside. All I did was notice the shadow and make her wait longer!


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