Just a Few Odds and Ends - March 31, 2022

Tomorrow begins the  Blogging from A to Z April Challenge.  It's not too late to sign up.  Every day, with Sundays off, post something to do with the letter of the day.  Tomorrow is A, then B... alphabetically through Z.  There will be a Master List of all participants, listed by category, so take a look at that.  I found several of the blogs I read daily in past challenges.  I'll be participating with  

Gardening My Way: A to Z.

I'll also be posting what I call "Between the Letters," my ordinary posts, garden updates, Tuesday Treasures, etc.  Today, this is what's going on.

Draper blueberry in bloom.

Persian catmint may very well be my favorite flower in the garden.


 I got the McCoy wall pockets hung in the kitchen.  A yellow background doesn't do much for them!

This solar flower light is from the Dollar Tree.  They come in other colors. I only bought one to try out, and it works very well (once I realized I needed to remove the tab to activate it!, so now want more.  So far Mickey hasn't notice it.  Maybe because it's in a pot, the ones he pulled out to chew were in the ground.  He was just a baby then, now that he's nearly 1 1/2 maybe I can put the survivors back. 


 I have been on the lookout for some ceramic vegetables on a rope!  Really, I have!  Most I've seen have been expensive, even at Goodwill.  Finally one with garlic and chilies for $1.79!

Mickey peeking in the shed. 

A few months ago I pulled out an old Swiss chard and tossed it on the compost pile.  It was mostly gnarled roots, several years old.  It's come back.

While Tuesday is for Treasures, here are some Goodwill As-Is store (aka The Bins) garden items I got yesterday.   Not quite Treasure worthy for a Tuesday, but nice for the garden.  A few poles, which may be curtain rods, a stick trellis for a pot, and an actual stick-in shepherd's crook planter hanger.


I thought these wooden pineapples would do well on the top of a couple of fence posts. 

Until tomorrow, which is A, but what did I choose?  Come back and take a look! 


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