My New Backyard

Last June I moved to Oregon from the SF East Bay Area. Our new home has a much, much, much larger yard than our old one. This is great for our 3 dogs, but better yet for me. I have always dreamed of having a large vegetable garden. My largest to date was a raised bed in our old home (it took up half the yard) of about 20 x 20. The neighbor's fruitless mulberry tree shaded it so much only the front half was in enough sun for any growth. One year the tree was topped and we had a great garden.

A large vegetable garden has always been a dream of mine because...well, when I think about it, all I can come up with is IT MAKES ME HAPPY! Isn't that enough of a reason? I think so.

So, first thing needed: large growing area. Check.

The reality? Lawn and back area already growing a healthy crop of overgrown grass and foxtails, where one of the dogs impaled his toe and visited our new vet a few days after we moved in.

First step: Mowing the weeds. Result: Overheated electric mower. 

Second step: Weedeater. Success.


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