Spring Blooms are Here!

It is way too early to plant anything but peas and lettuces (I don't like the other cool weather crops) in zone 7, but the bulbs, shrubs and wild flowers think it is Spring!  Edit 2022 - this is now zone 8b.

I just absolutely love the little wild violets that grow like weeds!  I guess they are weeds, but I will let them spread just as much as they want! 

The Flowering Quince is just popping open.  Flowering Quince was on my list of dream plants I wanted in my new home, but it turns out I already have it!



 Grape Hyacinth...


I have some little purple bell shaped flowers I planted as bulbs, forgetting what they were.  Also, the Veronica (Georgia Blue Speedwell) is growing again, with bright purple flowers.

The tiny Vinca has some blooms too.  I am partial to the bright yellows and purples of so many spring blooms.  Even the store bought pansies and violas are flourishing.  There are those gorgeous colors again!  

 I had one volunteer pansy sprout in a strawberry planter.


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