Six on Saturday - June 15, 2019 (edited to identify the mystery plant)

This Six on Saturday falls on the same day as June's Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!  
Along with a family graduation happening today, I wrote both posts yesterday (or today as I am writing it, but it's Friday, so by the time you read this, it will be yesterday... or something).

Six on Saturday, generously brought to us by

1 - "American Revolution" daylily
First time blooming, so it's small.  It was a division planted last October.

 2 - bachelor button shoving its way through the yarrow in the Butterfly Garden

 3 - please correct me if I'm wrong...  a currently unknown variety of milkweed in the
Pollinator Garden. 
There are several of these plants, which are either from 2017 seeds given to me as just "milkweed," or
from my own saved butterfly weed seeds.  The flower mystery waiting game is so hard to play!
So, now the individual buds are opening, and they are bright blue.  Borage blue.  Could this be comfrey?  I did have comfrey seeds but don't remember sowing them in this bed.
This is the new photo from Sunday.  The buds started out looking like broccoli, but then the stem lengthened out with smaller buds at each node.
I guess it's just a matter of days before I find out what it is.  Then I'll feel really silly, it will
be something totally obvious! 

See below this photo for the true identity!

It's Chinese forget-me-not!

 4 - "Garden Salsa" pepper
My first attempt at a hot pepper, a family request.

 5 - I call this shot "Too Much Going On!"
Ever see a flower bed with too many flowers?  Too many colors?  
This is one of those.  I never expected so many of the seeds to grow!
I mention it a lot, but let's give credit where credit is due, most of these are from Dollar Store seeds!
Not the Up Tickâ„¢ coreopsis, or the feverfew in the upper left corner, but all the rest!  Deerhorn Clarkia, lance-leaf coreopsis, calendula, candytuft, more Clarkia, and more Clarkia...  Photos can't do the Pollinator Garden justice, the flowers just fade out or the photos turn out too bright!

 6 - the first black-eyed Susan
in the... um... I call this area the "bare area where the boysenberries were," but that doesn't fit anymore.  I shall call it the "Toss Garden!"  This is the bare area left after a bed was removed, and where I literally tossed spent flower heads and entire plants last fall.  Just threw them into a pile.  Later I raked it all up for the green trash pickup, hoping, but not too hopefully, some seeds might grow. 
They did!  
Dozens and dozens of them!  
These are just the first few, of what are predominately black-eyed Susans.  
I also threw my extra seeds of all sorts here, which explains the Clarkia, blooming in the background. There are coreopsis and calendulas ready to bloom now, and lots of small milkweed.
I am still tossing seeds down in this area.  California poppies, bachelor button deadheads, teeny tiny purple tansy... who knows what might take?

That's the Six on Saturday from my Southern Oregon (USA) garden!
Let's see yours!


  1. I think the best kind of garden bed is one where there is "too much going on!" Boring to see individual plants surrounded by bare soil.


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