Tuesday Treasures - May 10, 2022

I went to the Goodwill Bins a week and a half ago, and am just getting to posting.  I've since gone to a great garage sale! 

SO much, but only a few to mention individually.

My favorite of the trip is this little vintage ceramic American Eskimo (dog breed) figurine.  Not marked.  He's been glued down to something, so I soaked his feet in soapy water and picked off the glue, which allowed his little toes to show.

 A Navajo sand painting by Edward Curtis, "Sun Shield."  He wrote the description on paper, taped to the back.  This is typical, either taped paper, or written directly on the board. 








Piles of clothing!  7 shirts, 1 short, 1 capri pants, 2 jeans, and 1 pair of leggings.  The tags on these add up to over $60, and even on half-off color day that's over $30.  Everything I got, down to the 3 ballpoint pens, and itsy bitsy toy, came to under $17.  Photo minus two shirts hanging out to dry.  One had a label reading, "hang to dry or you'll be sad."  Sometimes I do ignore the "hand wash" and "hang to dry" labels, but this time I heeded the warning.

Other things:  three new ballpoint pens (in a package), a new-in-package dough press (like for pot stickers), old 5" wooden bobbin, unopened card game Phase 10, a bunch of Disney figurines, a picture frame, yellow bottle, 2 tennis balls, 3 dog toys (Mickey picked the dinosaur to tear up first), 2 tote bags (1 new from National Geographic, one substantial from Ulta), 2 books, new in bag pair of winter gloves, 2 old license plates (CA and PA),and some things I decided not to keep.

Garden Stuff: 4 wreaths (the grapevine sort for the fence), a pedestal, wire basket, wire lantern/candle holder (?), grape vine cage thing with three huge seeds inside, a decorated stone heart, and a little metal butterfly.

I tried on the clothes, rejected one top and one pair of pants (not included in the count above), and washed them.  The two were to be lined dried, so I hung them outside.  Worked in the garden, turned around to find Mickey running around his figure eight track with one of them trailing behind.  Now, Mickey has some past trauma where he will readily give up his things, but when he has something of ours, it's a different story.  He isn't supposed to have it, and is afraid he will be punished for it, so won't give it up.  The trainer said he's "afraid something bad is going to happen."  This is what people cause when their dog is what they see as bad (dogs are not "bad," they are dogs); they call the dog, the dog comes to them, and they punish the dog.  The dog learns that obeying (coming when called in this case) is a bad thing. Mickey was obviously punished for dropping whatever he was asked to drop.  So, I got a hotdog from the freezer, bit off pieces and tossed them (not engaging in his "chase me" game) to him, a little further from the shirt each time, until I was able to get it without him lunging for it.  It was only dirty.  He isn't rough on things when he steals them.  Oh, my Goldendoodle, Edward, would pick up a sock, walk across the room with it, and by then he'd severed a hole in it! 

 It was one of those Bin trips that took a few hours.  I get a backache from bending over and rummaging, so this time I took some aspirin before going.  It worked!  A lady there told me that other Goodwill As-Is stores charge more per pound.  Here it's $1.59 general salvage (that includes clothing), .10 for glassware and other breakables.  I forget the electronics price (anything with cord or batteries).  Books .25 and big stuff pre-priced.  My glassware this time was only 9 cents!  That was the sheep (What sheep?  There's no sheep in this post?  What did I do with the sheep?) dog, bottle, and the sand painting in error, because we thought it was a breakable tile.


  1. That dog is cute. A friend got a Phase 10 game, and we tried to figure out the rules, but we couldn't quite. I've heard it's fun, though.

    1. I got the game because it was unopened, and I have been getting ads on my phone (when I play other games) for the phone app version. Maybe I could download the app and play it to learn.


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