I - Iris and Ixia

Ooops!  I posted J yesterday, and no one told me!  Here's Saturday's correct letter I.


A native of South Africa, ixia is also called corn lily.  They are related to sparaxis, as you can probably tell.  They grow from little corms.  Mine came from the Dollar Tree in 2019, packaged in the tiniest boxes, rattling around loose.  Most were hard as pebbles, so I peeked in boxes until I found some that had new little sprouts appearing.


I actually prefer this single petaled ones.  They yellow is "Yellow Emperor," I don't know the names of the other colors.  I'd buy more ixia if I saw them.

Iris, bearded

All my iris are bearded iris, there's just something I don't care for about the other types.  And, all my iris was originally obtained free off Craigslist after gardeners divided theirs.  Iris really multiples and if you don't divide it every few years (3 max usually) you'll get bare spaces and fewer blooms. It's a LOT of work dividing and replanting iris!  I've given iris away on Craigslist too, as well as pawning it off on neighbors, as others do with zucchini!  The first photo shows just a few colors of the iris that was originally divided from a local city park.

This is my favorite iris.  I have no names for any of my iris. 

You're already seen J, if not, just scroll back a few posts. 



  1. Wow, they are all so gorgeous! I have no idea how it didn't dawn on me yesterday that you posted the letter J. I would have told you if it had registered in my old brain!

    1. It's funny how we can overlook the obvious. I can't think of how many times I've edited and edited and edited, then after publishing find a glaring error right on top! Brains!

    2. I just realized, I should have been alerted when I was looking for Island mentions for the scavenger hunt!

  2. I never even thought about J being the wrong letter when I read your post. Perhaps I was besotted with the beauty of your flowers...no, that won't work, sorry. I'm kind of surprised I've never done that myself, and now, I've probably "jinxed" myself. Anyway, I've never seen ixia for sale here, and, with my back, I try to avoid plants that have to be dug up. (We do make an exception for dahlias, which husband digs up for me each fall.)

    1. I also posted a 100 word fiction, but had written it as a six minute writing! I caught that myself, deleted it and reposted. Too many pans in the fire?

  3. I noticed the mix up, but I didn't want to be *that person* who pointed it out. At least you got the dreaded J out of the way already.

    And now I have a new word to play in Scrabble. Ixia. I can always use more X words ;)

    1. Ha Ha! No, we don't want to be "that person!" Sorry, but my X had to be scientific name for strawflower.

  4. the first photo looks so amazing... love it

    1. It is a beautiful color, but I prefer the less fussy single petaled ones.

  5. Beautiful flowers, and love the name Ixia. I didn't realize about J, as there are several time zones in the challenge (ah, well done, no? 😂)

    1. That's right! I wasn't early, I was just posting in a different time zone!

  6. Gorgeous!
    I’m A-Zing my artwork:
    shoes: https://repeatsamb.blogspot.com/search/label/A-Z%202021

    1. We wait so many long colorless months for spring and summer flowers!

      Oh, dear! Your blog with the patterns and shoes is one I visit EVERY SINGLE MORNING, and comment! I just saw that it's one of the ones that isn't posting! I get emails about being blocked every day. I'm sorry. I love your shoes!


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