J - Jumpin' Johnny

 J is a weak letter as far as my flowers.  I tried to grow Jerusalem sage with pretty yellow blooms, but it didn't take.  Joe Pye weed is a great pollinator plant, but too big for my use.  I used to have jasmine (star jasmine) in CA, but if I have a photo I have yet to find it.  So, I am pushing the J by using a viola called Johnny Jump-up.

 Johnny Jump-Up

A Johnny Jump-up is a viola, but not all violas are Johnny Jump-ups. You may hear them called wild pansies, as they are native wildflowers in Spain and the Pyrenees.  The look like tiny pansies.  I do not like pansies, their petals are too large and floppy, but I love violas.  I grew these Johnny Jump-ups from seed last year, and while I have new seeds, the pots are full of volunteers so it wasn't necessary.

Johnny Jump-ups are perfect annuals for containers, even small ones like the one below.  Isn't that an adorable planter?

If I thought J was sparse, K isn't any more in number, although it won't stretch the letter!



  1. They are such pretty and delicate looking little flowers. I do love the adorable little planter too. Have a great weekend Lisa. :)

    1. They are so tiny and sweet. Mine aren't blooming yet this year, but the plants are getting there.

  2. Replies
    1. You reminded me that I've heard the term "Jolly Jonquil!"

  3. When I first bought my house, there were Johnny Jump Ups all over the lawn. We don't have them anymore, but I buy violas every year and make a hanging basket with them. I did that yesterday, in fact, so great minds! I love them, and, I admit, I like pansies, too. Neither of them survive summer out here, but I love them for their earliness.

    1. Some people do plant them, and bulbs in their lawns. I don't see that, in order to bloom you can't mow your lawn! I don't have any grass in my front yard, and the back can't really be called "lawn" even in a stretch! You can cut them down when they get leggy in the summer, and maybe they'll come back.

  4. Funny how some letters that should be easy aren't. (And how some letters that shouldn't be easy are.)

  5. Jerusalem sage...I have two, Lloyd's Variety. Supposed to be 3x3 but on their way to twice that. The leaves have a powdery coating that comes off into the air at the slightest touch and when I prune them I am in an agony of coughing. I'll trade you for the Johnny Jump Ups!!!

    1. Ooooh! I'm glad then! They sound terrible!

  6. Replies
    1. I have no idea who named it, or who Johnny was, but the why is easy. It jumps up taller than other violas, it has longer stems. I only just realized I should have posted I on Saturday, not this one!

  7. Funny I know a musician named Jumpin' Johnny

    1. That's hilarious! With a name like Jumpin' Johnny he must play something really jazzy and fast.


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