Skywatch Friday - June 4, 2021

 Skywatch Friday 

I don't know the names of most kind of clouds, but since it was very windy I call these Windy Day Clouds.  They look like they've been blown around. Of course, it might not have been windy up where the clouds were, but they're still my Windy Day Clouds since I saw them on a windy day.  (Oh, dear... I sound a bit like Pooh.)



  1. So pretty and you do sound a little like Pooh - nothing wrong with that! :)

  2. Yes, I think that's correct. Windy day clouds. Very beautiful!

  3. I used to do this meme .. but my sky has been severally curtailed by my "mother of all trees " n the back garden .. it was NEVER supposed to be that BIG !! I even miss moon shots now .. BIG sigh !
    I love your clouds .. the description is perfect ;-)

  4. For some reason, your windy day clouds remind me of the ridges of an air mattress - maybe I would just like to float away on them for naptime.

  5. Greetings and Salutations! Washboardy clouds is good enough title for me. I can't think of what the cloud names are either. Think Pooh Bear think. Take care. Enjoy the skies and don't worry about names. Just be happy.

  6. They have a nice rhythm to them.

  7. The best days to skywatch are on the windy ones - pretty fluffy cloud patterns!

  8. I would call them grill clouds.
    Coffee is on and stay safe


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