Tuesday Treasures - October 25, 2022

 I dropped into the nearby Goodwill after grocery shopping a few Saturdays ago.  Spent under $3 for two items, this is one of them.

How about this adorable brass donkey.  I think it's a donkey.  If it wasn't wearing a pack or saddle I'd say it was a deer.  Or... something.  The cashier said it was a "Sherpa."  I didn't correct her, and she mentioned it three times as she rang me up before catching her error, correcting to "No, a Sherpa is the person, this is the Sherpa's animal."  Better, but still not accurate.  I'll call it a donkey.  Or llama?  At any rate, it's brass and cute and was 71 cents. It has painted eyes, and evidence it had paint in the ears and on the pack.  I haven't found another quite the same, however there was one on eBay with the same head (like an anteater if you ask me), with a saddle and reins, said to be from Mexico.  About 4" high.


  1. Those are nice mushrooms. At least, in painting form they don't creep me out.

    1. Good! I think I found the right size glass for a frame for it today.

  2. That donkey (or whatever it is) intrigues me. I don't think it's a donkey, but don't know what it is. I am almost positive I've seen something like that animal on Egyptian hieroglyphics but don't trust me on that.

    1. I didn't think it was a donkey the first time I saw it either, but it has that pack. It's rather like a short neck giraffe also! Well, whatever it is, it's cute. :)


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