Knot Garden - September 2021

Last time I shared the progress of The Knot Garden (the "knots" being formed with curved edgers, 39 of them free off Craigslist, rather than plants) was about 3 months ago.  It's really filled in!  This photo was taken this morning.

 Individual sections:

Persian catmint (one of my very favorites of any of my plants) just ready to be cut back, and Summer Berries yarrow, which was cut back and is reblooming.

Wormwood and Roman chamomile.  Roman chamomile is the perennial form.

Zaatar and Double Dynasty dianthus.  Zaatar wasn't winter hardy for my last year, so I'm not counting on it returning.  I'll cut it back and mulch it well and wait to see.  I scattered some annual marigold seeds in just for color.

French tarragon (the only true" tarragon, and it cannot be grown from seed.  If you buy "tarragon" seeds they're Russian tarragon, and inferior in taste), thyme, and more marigolds.  Just ordinary garden thyme, sometimes called English thyme. The seeds were 25 cents from the Dollar Tree.  I thought I'd planted creeping thyme, but obviously not.  I never have much success with growing creeping thyme from seed.

The center is garden sage (25 cent seeds from the Dollar Tree!  My store had them in December for this season.), and anise hyssop waiting to be cut back.

The anise hyssop is prepared for next spring already!  These grew from two year old seeds.

The Knot Garden has come a long way since April 20th.

All were grown from seed, but two.  The Roman chamomile and French tarragon were divisions. All the seeds were Wintersown except the marigolds, which were just scattered in.   The marigolds are the only annuals.

It's almost halfway to October, so not too soon to save those milk jugs (or other containers) so you too can wintersow!    

first step - planning it out
second step - the hard part



  1. Looking very nice indeed! Our zone 5b garden, meanwhile, has entered the "weary" phase. We know frost is just around the corner and I think the plants know it, too. But it's not time for us to give up, not quite yet!

  2. Looking good. That sure filled out.


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