Skywatch Friday - August 5, 2022

Skywatch Friday

 I closed my Wednesday post wonder wondering if there was a sunset worth photographing. There was.  Not as striking as some have been, but still pretty.  

8:00pm to the west.

8:29pm - 8:30pm to the south.  And it is south, my house looks out directly south.

I like these cute little clouds all in a row!

8:31pm to the north.

Have a nice weekend!


  1. Very pretty skies. I like how the clouds in the one photo appear to be waiting in line!

  2. My favorite was the first one and the five little clouds all in the row (with a baby at the end?)

  3. We had some late afternoon clouds way to the east of us the other day that looked similar to yours but we we were out running errands so no sky pics from that day.

  4. Wow, 8:30. The sun sets at 7:49 tonight. (We make up for this in the winter, though.)


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