Hummingbird Nest

 I was cutting back the black-eyed Susans and knauti, when I found this bedraggled hummingbird nest built around a strawberry runner. I don't know if the bird ever completed it, or used it, however it was not a good location, being barely above ground level.  

I also question the wisdom of building material chosen. 
I guess the hummer found a partially opened milkweed seed pod (I throw them over into that area when I remove the many excess pods from the plants) and figured the seeds fluffs would be nice and cozy.  There is no way she carried that pod to build her nest! 

I've only found one other hummingbird nest in my yard, and it was in use.  They're easy to miss, being so small. 


  1. Replies
    1. It was quite surprising to find. I haven't done much clean-up in the garden, so who knows what lurks in the weeds!


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