Wordless Wednesday - July 20, 2022

 Wordless Wednesday


  1. They are PRETTIES all right!

    Especially the salmon and orange and red ones with such full inflorescence.

    Adelaide Dupont @ Halfway up Rysy Peak

    1. Those are new ones this year. I don't know what they're called.

  2. What a beautiful collection of glads! Like them all,especially the picottee. Ours (just a handful) haven't started to bloom yet but a neighbor's glads are opening. So...soon.

    1. I think that one is Atom. I don't know where it came from. My solid color ones are from the Dollar Tree, the frilly from a friend.

  3. Love the colors of the last one, although the white one is also beautiful capture, seeing how the flower comes out of the stem (hope I'm saying that the right way:))

    1. I know what you mean! I like the way glads add a new flower out the top of the stem too. I pull the old dried one off the bottom and the stem looks brand new!

  4. Responding to your comment on my blog about the orange double daylily; sorry, I don't know its name. It is what I would call midseason and it is possibly my tallest daylily, for whatever that is worth. I am so bad at keeping records of names. I promise I will try to do better!

    1. That's okay! If my friend hadn't included tags for the ones she gave me, I'd have forgotten, even though I made a map to show where I planted. Some have such long fancy names.


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