A Double Treat: Skywatch Friday and Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - December 15, 2023

 For this week's Skywatch Friday, the last for autumn 2023, I have a few saved skies from around town, and my own backyard.

From a parking lot at a nearby shopping center. 

From the same parking lot, different day, different location.  Edited after my son told me this is NOT from the parking lot.  I tried to get a shot from there, but couldn't get a clear view.  I had him get one from the road on the way home.  Now I do see the railroad tracks...

From the Goodwill Outlet (Bins) store parking lot looking west.   That's Roxy Ann Peak. 

Same parking lot, looking south.

Two from my back deck. 

To the west... 

... and to the south. 

As for Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day, well,  there are three if we ignore the ragged blanketflowers and calendulas. 

Prostrate rosemary.

Blue Boy rosemary 

Thanksgiving cactus was right on time with the flowers opening a few weeks ago.

Speaking of rosemary, and it's cold weather hardiness, one of the kigo word prompts for Tanka Tuesday's 24 Seasons was rosemary.  I wrote a shadorma.


laughs in North Wind’s face.

She laughs and


unmoved by Wind’s biting chill,

his sharp icy gusts.

©2023 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved

Have a nice weekend.  



  1. The clouds were interesting - I've never seen clouds like those in your third picture that looked exactly like that, and the fact that it looked like one of the trees was drinking in the clouds made it more interesting. Enjoy your rosemary outdoor blooms - I've blogged (years ago) about my husband's efforts to overwinter rosemary because it won't take our winter weather.

    1. You're right, the trees do look like they are sipping the clouds!

  2. Your sky captures are lovely and thank goodness for Rosemary and Thanksgiving Cactus blooms this time of year. They do bring lots of joy!

    1. I almost forgot the Thanksgiving cactus, it's in an unused bedroom (well, not used as a bedroom anyway).

  3. I love both your sky shots and your bloom shots. You are fully in-tune to the world around you and I love that in a person.

  4. It's a sad time of year for the blooms, so it's good that the 15th fell on a Friday this month. Interesting skies.

    1. It would have been a pretty short, sad Bloom Day on its own!

  5. Very nice verse. Your sky views are beautiful, and the blooms are pretty, too. Happy Friday!

  6. You have much better sky shots than I usually get - yours aren't marred by thin blankets of dirty brown smog! However, flowers are more abundant, relatively speaking. Frost is a foreign concept here.

    1. No, no smog, just wild fire smoke in the summer. :(


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