Few Word Wednesday - January 15, 2025

 Photos from yesterday, January 14, 2025. 

New Dawn Climbing Rose

Prickly Lettuce (a weed)

Bronze Fennel 

Orange Mint 

Scabiosa (Pincushion Flower)

Virginia Creeper 

Wild Basil (not the annual herb basil)

Yes, I left a lot unpruned this past fall!  The seed heads are pretty though, especially with frost. 


  1. There is so much beauty in winter foliage. My favorite was your scabiosa.One thing I don't do much is take outdoor winter pictures because I have to take my gloves off. I don't do garden cleanup in the fall; I know wildlife depends on those seed pods and dried up tiny crabapples. That's what sounds good, but it's also laziness.

    1. I regularly leave some, but this year (I mean last season) it got away from me. I guess laziness! Usually I do cut the iris back, I don't know what happened.

  2. Replies
    1. Maybe I'll get out front one early morning this week, there are other seed heads out there that will probably look nice.


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