Thursday Postcard Hunt - Pink

 We're Pink this week for Thursday Postcard Hunt

Pink Stock Flowers

Pink "Trumpet Tree" in the Los Angeles County Arboretum and Botanic Garden back in the 1960s.

Pink rose on an antique birthday card. 

Enough of the flowers...

"Hello, Truffle." 
Pigs aren't always pink, but ask any child to color in a pig and I'll bet they pick a pink crayon!  A common breed of pink pig is a Yorkshire.

Next week, the last in January, is the color Red.  


  1. More beautiful flowers! Loving the pig - I found a pig card, but it looked very orange

    1. My oldest loved pink pigs for the longest time! I have some odd vintage cards with pigs, forgot all about them. They are in an album rather than a box filed under "animals."

  2. ...spring will be welcomed this year.

  3. Replies
    1. I thought it was a photo taken by a homeowner of their backyard plum tree! Growing up our flowering plum looked like that. Probably not up close.

  4. I checked for news of the arboretum and the latest fire and couldn't find an update.. This tree may or may not be still standing. The pig is cute.

  5. Gorgeous trumpet tree! And Tartufino is adorable. (Tartufino means little truffle)

    1. That's good to know, the translate online just said truffle. It makes sense that "ino" would make it little.

  6. That would be an interesting challenge: find pink postcards that don't feature flowers.

  7. Flowers seem to be a popular subject in pink. Very nice cards!

  8. I did a time search and good news, the LA Arboretum is OK although it remains closed. There is wind damage with trees downed and the clean up is ongoing. I do love arboretums, and pigs.

  9. Pink is fun, and there are so many shades of pink. Great idea for a post!


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