Tuesday Treasures - January 14, 2024

 I'm glad I stopped in the Goodwill by the grocery store one day in early December.  

I found two antique photos in gorgeous frames!  The photos were taken to avoid glass glare, so are a bit skewed.  I believe they are both out of copyright due to information on the back of the second photo.

 "Eugene Norton & Jim McKinty at the age of 3 years -"is written on the back.  A bit of online research lead me to a man named Eugene Norton, born in 1920, which would make this photo from 1923. That seems about right. 

This one is on strange paper, almost like cloth.

They were reasonably priced.  I had my old lady discount, and applied the balance of my Southern Oregon Goodwill loyalty card, so they came to even less! 


  1. To think that was about 100 years ago. Where did the time go?

    1. I don't know, but it goes quickly! My brothers are 10 and 15 years older than I am. I remember my mother finding it hard to believe she was old enough to have a 60 year old son. She's gone now, and I'm closer to 70 than 60, which is hard to believe! Sad no one remembered Eugene or Jim to keep their photos.


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