Spring Hopes! 1-20-25

 It's been so cold and icy.  The forecast sunny days last week never happened.  The plants give hope that warmer days will come! 

Lots of flower bulbs.

Ixia.  Freesia.  Squill. Grape Hyacinth. 

Tete-a-Tete Daffodils

Drumstick Allium 

Welsh Onions, a perennial bunching onion, in the middle rear.  Which are not Welsh at all.   The flatter bulbs are garlic, multiplied from the one single bulb from the grocery store.  It's sprouted so I stuck it in the ground.  I don't need to buy garlic anymore!  This is hardneck garlic.  Rather than seeds, it forms tiny little garlics that drop off and sprout!   https://lisasgardenadventureinoregon.blogspot.com/2024/08/hardneck-garlic.html

Self-seeded Italian Flatleaf Parsley.  Parsley is a biennial, meaning it lives two years.  The second year it bolts and goes to seed. 

Here is some forming the umbrella shaped seed heads. 

So long as the plants know spring is coming, I can have hope! 


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