Shadow Shot Sunday - January 19, 2025


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks. Nothing close to your incredible shot!

  2. Replies
    1. That day I took a lot of photos, back when there was sun.

  3. Nice line of shadows. The one at the bottom of the photo, to me, has a kind of clothlike texture - I like that effect.

  4. Nice to have so many benches. Downtown Tulsa has removed all their downtown benches because unhomed people were occupying them all day.

    1. This is at a school, although open to anyone walking by. While the neighborhood isn't far from a facility for meals and showers etc. for people they don't tend to then head this direction. The new park connected to the school is making progress (I need to update that in a post!), and will have restrooms. Hope that doesn't draw people to hang out all day and night.

  5. The seats make interesting shadow shapes and patterns.


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