Shadow Shot Sunday - July 2, 2023

 Shadow Shot Sunday

Some honey bee and corn poppy shadows!

It never landed on the poppy.


  1. Especially enjoyed your video with the extended views of the shadow. Wonder what the bee didn't like about the flower?

    1. That's what I thought, that there was something about that particular flower the bee wasn't comfortable with! Seems like a lot of energy output to have to fly and hover.

  2. Fun post! The bees are so fascinating to watch...especially on (and contemplating) lovely blooms like your poppies. :)

    1. Thanks. I love watching the bees. It's interesting to me how different kinds of bees have such different "personalities." Like some are slow and don't care if you are close up to them, even bumblebees get so into the flowers they don't care if you pet them. On the other hand, carpenter bees see you right off and buzz in your face to say, "Back off!" even though it's usually bluster!


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