Thirteen Photos for Thursday - July 6, 2023

 Thursday Thirteen, "...where you make a list of 13 things on Thursdays." As simple as that, so come join in!

I have thirteen photos from the garden.  Well, twelve and a video.

My native milkweed, Narrow-leaf. 

More daylilies.

Another shot of Lullaby Baby.

My Stella d'Oro is lemon yellow rather than gold.   It makes for a nice change, as Stella d'Oro is the go-to landscape plant in nearly every parking lot in town, and blooming golden.

Rocket City

Wild bergamot grown from seed last year.

It's very popular with the bees.

This Carpenter bee preferred a daylily.

Purple coneflower with the Toss Garden in the background.

Years ago I saved online photos of gardening ideas I liked, forgot about them, and came across them the other day.  I have so many terra-cotta pots just sitting on shelves in the shed, so I thought I'd start putting them out as edging, as one of my saved photos showed.  I can't put them everywhere, Mickey would likely run and knock them over. He might even "steal" ones to test them for taste.

This is Pink Panther catmint I grew from seed this year, starting in a wintersowing container.  Pink Panther is a Japanese catmint.  The flowers are huge, if not actually pink.  I'd call them pale purple.  I may get seeds for the Dark Blue Panther

There you have it, my thirteen things.  Give it a try.  It doesn't have to be photos, or a lot of text.  Or it can be just photos with no text.  Or just text.  Maybe even a list of your favorite summer foods.  Or favorite vacations.  
(If you are looking at this on a computer, the photos of the bergamot are centered in the draft, so I don't know what crazy thing Blogger is doing yet again!)


  1. WOW who knew milkweed was so beautiful. I also have wild bergamot (aka bee balm and the stuff they put in Early Gray tea).

    1. It is stunning when you look at it closely!

  2. Lovely pictures. I enjoy photos of flowers. I have trouble with blogger too, it puts things where I don't want them, or enlarges text in odd places.

    1. Oh, yes, enlarging! I find that when I center additional text, when I preview that part is enlarged. So, now I just highlight those parts, and while it says they are already "large," they aren't, make them some other size, then right back to "large" again. SO ridiculous!

    2. HA! I see I have to go back and fix some of that enlarged text right in this post!

  3. What does bergamot smell like? I've been seeing it in body washes. (As for Blogger issues, a while back I learned the basics of html so I could go into the < > box and fix the code when things like that happen. Usually it's a right text align and a center text align in competition. If you know how to delete the right text align, the center text align then can work.)

    1. You and Alana both had me out sniffing in the garden this morning! Bergamot doesn't smell like much of anything. Not bad, not a fragrance I'd lean in to sniff if I was walking by. I do fix the code when I've somehow added text from somewhere else and it has a white box around it all. I know to just delete all the instances of the word "white"!

  4. Enjoyed your photos and the bee action video. Your native milkweed is beautiful! Ours (New York) is more pink and I'm not sure how much of a macro I could get with my iPhone. I wish I could transmit its scent - I hope yours is fragrant, too.

    1. I'm pretty sure you could get macros better than mine. I only have an iPhone 8. Then again, if you have a mini (I think they are called) the cameras aren't as good as others. Milkweed... I sniffed it while out sniffing bergamot for Liz! Not much of an odor at all. Just like a plant smell, if that makes sense.


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