Motley Monday - September 18, 2023

 I hope you had a nice weekend.  Mine was pretty much uneventful.  Which is strange since it was a city-wide yard sale Saturday!  I only stopped in on a few on the way home from the grocery store.  What I got is in an upcoming post.

  The neighbor did cut down the ivy "tree" that had pulled over the fence and mostly in his yard.  It did originate in my yard, however he had a reason for needing it gone soon.  

Mickey handled the change well.  You might not be able to imagine how big a "tree" ivy can form, but it had a trunk as big as a tree's.  So, now, since the fence fell over, there is a wire one I put up (so Mickey wouldn't just walk over the ivy into the yard next door), and he can see right into the neighbor's yard.  He used to bark if he heard anyone over there, and now that he can see them it's like, "Okay, it's a person.  I like people," and just walks away.  Or, the next morning, shoved his way through the bamboo (which will also eventually be gone... well, as gone as you can get bamboo) for a few pets. Eventually the neighbor is going to put in a fence there.  I paid for the rest of the fence between us when I moved in, so he said he'd take care of this portion. 

This is not the largest stump, however it shows one board of the old fence. 

The main part was three times this big.

Mickey and I saw a gopher dirt pile at the park.  We didn't see the gopher.  They are the cutest little things to watch moving soil out of their holes.  Yeah, I know... you like your nice lawn.  I'd rather have a cute little gopher.  

The carpenter bees have been gnawing holes in the shed shelves again.  Each hole is a cell for an egg.

Speaking of wood... I found this piece of bark, including fungus, for sale at St. Vincent de Paul!

Apparently people no longer know what "Neapolitan" ice cream is, so they have to spell it out.  

I went to the Growers Market, what the farmers market is called here last week.  Not really much of interest.  And the prices were very expensive.  I'll go back before they close in November.  

The peaches were very good.  The pears are a kind that starts with a K, I forget what.  Unfortunately they are tasteless.  The tomatoes are mix of black cherry and Bumblebee cherry.  They are sour compared to Sungolds.  Should have skipped them.  

Once in a while I get a mocha frappe at McDonald's.  Baby Cat (see photo on left of post) sees a dome on a drink and wants some of the whipped cream!  Now Mickey has learned about it, and got a taste of the frappe itself.  Ever since he is very insistent I share!  I don't, it's not good for him.  Some whipped cream, sure, but a nervous Border collie mix does not need caffeine!  

Hope you have a good week.  I have to call Lowe's, my washer turns on, but no water.  I always pay for the extended warranty for just this reason!  That reason being, things don't work like they used too.  I bought this washer in January, 2022.


  1. It is amazing what people don't know anymore. I'm not surprised people don't remember Neapolitan.

    1. You are right, and it's just plain sad. As a teacher it must be frustrating.


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