Wordy Wednesday - September 6, 2023

 Wednesday, Not Wordless. 

Photos from a recent walk to the park with Mickey.

Mushrooms after the first rain in months.

I haven't decided if this one is pretty with the gills pink and ruffly, or repulsive, reminiscent of a raw wound.

Did a single blade of grass cause it to grow that way?  Mushrooms can push through asphalt (I've seen it), so that doesn't seem likely. 

The school painted letters on the basketball/four square area, I assume for class line-ups. 

Someone has been enjoying the wall behind the basketball hoops.  My elementary school had a freestanding wooden wall, the "back board," to bounce balls against, we were forbidden to use the school building walls.  This wall looks much more durable than mine, which was like a thin plaster/stucco surface that would chip.  I believe it was painted a pale minty green color.  It doesn't look like anything would chip this wall!

There was a nice sky.  It was "Mickey's Park" again, not another creature stirring there.

The best thing?  No twisted foot or bloody nose!  Walking a dog can be a dangerous activity!  


  1. Bouncing balls against walls annoys the teacher in the room. Unless the walls are thick enough...

  2. Yes, dogs can be dangerous! I attended a series of fall prevention classes in 2015. All of us had fallen at least once in the past and almost all the other participants had either fallen while walking their dog (gopher holes or other hazards) or actually tripped over their dogs.


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