Shadow Shot Sunday - February 4, 2024

A pen and ink drawing in my collection of an out-of-order bathroom in shadow.


  1. Lisa, thank you for peeking in on me again, I try to write for readers.
    I like your drawing. Not many happen like this, as the manager locks the door. I keep glancing over at Benny and his extended leg. I don't know why but cats seem to like resting like this. Your brother isn't much older than I am, I was 90 last October. Folks tell me, "You don't look that old," probably they can't think of anything else nice on the spur of the moment. Thanks' for peeking in, you might like to join us on Fridays?? We can write prose also, I write fine but not too good at using it instead of a poem. This one blended right in.

    1. I haven't met you in person, however I wouldn't have estimated you were 90. I think people who say you "don't look that old" are telling the truth! Although, "...that old," doesn't sound as good as "I would have taken you for younger."

  2. An out of order bathroom - I would not want to investigate the shadows within. Nicely done black and white sketch.

    1. It has a funny note on the back, which is partially why I bought it (although it was only $1.65!). The artist have it to, or pawned it off on, a friend. Said the person's mother told them there was empty wall space, and who wouldn't want a pen and ink of an out of order bathroom!

  3. The toilet shadow sketche looks great there

  4. I'm trying to figure out why the bathroom is out of order. I guess we just have to trust, eh?

    1. It reminds me of the highway plans in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, "It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard.”


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