Skywatch Friday - February 9, 2024

 Skywatch Friday 

View from my back deck.

I pulled over to the side of the street to take this next one. 

When I got home there was a raven on the power pole in front of my house, cawing up a racket.  

Corvids are my favorite, which is good since I have a lot of ravens and crows.  Mickey isn't found of them, as they sit at the top of a cedar (unfortunately, it's a mostly dead cedar) and taunt him.  They've been known to meow at him!  It's a real problem getting him to come in when they're up there.  This raven was in the front yard and he didn't know it was there.  

Have a nice weekend. 


  1. Poor Mickey!!
    I had to google corvid so I learned a new word thanks to you!!

  2. I enjoyed your first two photos - the "cloud parfait" in the first photo and the clouds over the volcanic mountain in the second. I don't think we have as many corvids as you do. We in my area have American crows, fish crows, blue jays, and ravens. American crows are quite common in my neighborhood. The blue jays brighten up the winter with their beautiful colors but we hear them a lot more than we see them.

  3. The clouds are very pretty. I like ravens, they are so intelligent. Sorry for Mickey, tho.

  4. That's really rude of the bird. Perhaps if you could make friends with it it would stop taunting Mickey. Although, how would one make friends with it?

  5. when asked the other day, what kind of bird would you be, I answered an Old Crow!

  6. ...clouds add a touch of magic to the sky!


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