Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - January 2024

 Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day

Don't expect too much and you won't be disappointed.  

A black-eyed Susan that's been hanging around for a few months.  I think it might just be preserved by the cold!  

Knautia Macedonica is forming buds. 

A few blanketflowers are trying their best.

Some alyssum are hanging on. 

At least I have the rosemary.  Here is one the dwarf Blue Boy. 

Not mine, but the library has camellias in bloom. 


  1. Beautiful! Love the Blanketflowers!
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

    1. They're trying! I usually cut them down to ground level, but these two are still working on flowers.

  2. The knautia at first glance looked like a pomegranate and made my mouth water, lol.

  3. It's all relative, the definition of not much, and I so enjoy camillas (even if they aren't yours).

    1. My mother grew them, pretty, but very messy. So large and they fall off and rot. Not so great to try to display either.

  4. Wow! Those are some persistent blooms for hanging in for so long! The Camellias are pretty too!


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