Snow? Snow! - January 6, 2024

 I was not expecting snow this morning!  It was raining when I got up.  So much so that when I opened the door for Mickey to out, he took a look and went back to bed!  A few hours later my son got up, and wondered, "Is that snow?"  Yes, it was!

That got Mickey up and out!  Not for long though, the rain had turned the far back into a big puddle.  

Anyway, here are some snow scenes from this morning.  Not really "snowy" as many of you know snow, but some winters we don't get any.  Some we do.  

Artichoke leaves are pretty no matter the time of year.

It was enough to fill Queen Guinevere's crown!

Blue Boy rosemary, a dwarf variety that can be grown in fairly small containers.

These are bronze fennel seedheads, seeds long gone.  I haven't been keeping up on my cutting back chores!

The forecast for the rest of the day is rain, however tomorrow's, at least right now, is for snow.  


  1. Our snow started about 1/2 hour before the winter weather warning kicked in. Then it stopped a few minutes later but the ground is already coated. Everyone seems to have a different guess about how much snow we'll get - possibly up to 12 inches, some think. Yours does look pretty - we'd never have snow on artichokes or outdoor winter rosemary to look at.

    1. That artichoke... it not supposed to winter over, so the first year I cut it back and mulched it, only to have grow right back up. So, I let it and a smaller, younger by one year, one be.

  2. Very pretty! We were supposed to have a dusting, but when I opened the door to take my dog out, it was about 2 I was surprised, too. More snow on the way here in the Upper Midwest. Happy winter. ;-)

    1. I like snow for a day or two. Enough to be pretty (a bit more than these photos), but gone after that! I did live in snow years ago. I remember I thought it stopped even looking pretty after a while! I think what did it was laying in the snow putting chains on the car. Or the wood pile getting wet.

  3. Lovely snow scene photos ~ It is snowing here today in MA ~ windy too ~ Tis winter ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. My son used to like in MA. He didn't mind snow, it was ice he didn't care for. He probably has snow now too, he's still on the east coast.

  4. That's more snow that we ever get ;)


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