Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - May 2024

 Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day

or, a Very Wordy Wednesday

Thanks to Carol over at May Dreams Garden Blog bloggers with blooms can share each 15th of the month!

Here are mine, in part.  April really starts the bloom season off.


Juniper thyme, unnamed rose, Firewitch dianthus, Rainbow Loveliness dianthus  (I'm not a fan of Rainbow Loveliness, which I grew from seed.)

Persian catmint, of which I am a fan!

Verbascum mix, Moonshine yarrow, common sage 

In the Knot Garden are Persian catmint, thyme, CA poppies, and onion chives.

New Dawn climbing rose, Russell lupine, (alyssum with more Persian catmint)

Turkish sage has just started flowering, from the bottom up.

African daisies

blue flax, Fire Storm geum, sea thrift 

More common garden sage, because it's so pretty and I have a lot of it.  All from seed from the Dollar Tree (where seed packets are 25¢)

Sunset rockrose, blanketflower (perhaps Bright Bi-color), dianthus (some kind from Walmart), Mesa Red blanketflower

The Front Yard

The red is Red Riding Hood penstemon. 

A monstrous rockrose of some forgotten kind put in many years ago.  It's an ugly plant when it's not in bloom, but part of the three rockrose bushes (see above) separating the sidewalk from the rest of the front yard.

There is a lot of purple tansy, seen in May 8th post.  There's the link if you want to see!

As for the iris... well, there is quite a bit blooming, so I made that a post of its own yesterday. 

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day really makes my garden/yard look great!  We don't see the weeds (much of them anyway), dry patches with nothing growing, dog toys laying around, peeling paint on the shed... just pretty flowers!


  1. Wow, love the Verbascum, the Roses, the Irises...everything is colorful and beautifully planted. (What dog toys?) Happy Bloom Day!

    1. You only need to see the dog toys before you mow! And, boy, do I need to mow, the grass (not really a lawn) has gone wild! I think in the fall I'll move the verbascum where I'll see it better.

  2. I always enjoy seeing your blooms, even the ones you don’t like. The Persian sage caught my eyes, along with the ixis. Our iris are just starting to show color so they will be opening soon.

  3. This is the time of year when you get all the blooms. Very nice.


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