Wordy Wednesday - May 1, 2024

April Showers brought May flowers!  

This is the current state of the front yard.  There are still lots of weeds to deal with, but enough growth and blooms now to sort of hide them!

This hardy geranium was bought with some others bareroot in 2022... I think.  It was transplanted into the front yard after growing in a container, and languished since then.  Until this year!  It's a nice plant with white flowers now!  It's the same batch from the Butterfly Garden, Breeders Mix.  I don't remember where I got them.  Online, out of season, cheap from a cheap source.  I did get three different colors out of it though.

Unknown bearded iris from a friend.  I am calling it Butter & Cream!   I guess that should be Cream and Butter, since butter starts with cream, but that doesn't sound as good.

Red Riding Hood penstemon and Autumn Tryst bearded iris, with a peek of orange CA poppy and calendula.  Lots of other stuff in there on the way!  More iris. Daylilies.  Either black cumin or love-in-a-mist. Yarrow by the fence. 

That side of the front yard. 

Sunset rockrose has been here for quite a few years, probably ten.

Both parts (there is a path between them to the mailbox).

Weeds, calendula, CA poppies, sea thrift, emerging blazing star, daylilies, dianthus, coreopsis, blanketflower... 

The big problem.  The greenery circled is a fern-leaf yarrow, or more likely, dozens of fern-leaf yarrows.  Summer Berries, planted in 2022, and attempted removal in 2023.  They grew too large, and I tried to remove them, but have underground runners, and are getting the best of me.   There is another yarrow mat by the fence. 

What is missing this year are the corn poppies.  In past years they self-seeded to the extent I had to start pulling them out.  I see one or two coming up, but not the hundreds I'm used to.  Hopefully the ones in the backyard will make an appearance.  


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