Iris: a Pre-GBBD Post - May 2024

 There are so many flowers right now, and a lot of them are iris, which are so beautiful I didn't want them to share Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day.   So here they are.  Some kinds are still in bud. Daughter of Stars is already finished.  Most of the unnamed ones were free on curbs or off Craigslist.  The named are divisions given to me by a friend.

The original rhizomes were from a city park being relandscaped.


Discovered Treasure

Daring Deception

Autumn Tryst 


unnamed - from a friend who got it from a neighbor - this is the one I call Butter & Cream because of the colors, and how I can keep track of it on my Iris Map!

Another unnamed from the city park.  Originally there were colors other than purple.  

I'm Back

Sweet iris, or Dalmatian iris (pallida variegata) has variegated leaves, and smells exactly like grape juice.

Mango Passion

October Skies is listed as a "tall bearded iris," but mine are very short.  So short they are snail magnets!


Tomorrow will be blooms that are not iris!

Edited to add one that opened I forgot about!  It's a no-name, and I don't know where it's from.  It's actually much, much more purple than in this picture. I wonder why, when the phone photo looks deep bright purple?


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