Motley Monday in May - May 6, 2024

It's quite a while until mid-month's Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day.  I have lots of flowers now!  Here are some.  

My favorite bearded iris, Discovered Treasure.  Fortunately the neighbor's leak that kept this area soggy didn't kill the iris.  They are shorter plants, which may or may not be a result of that. 

Two Below:  Morning light hits the front yard.  The weed removal is coming along nicely.  Slowly, but there is progress!

Discovered Treasure, Autumn Tryst, Red Riding Hood penstemon, onion chives in bloom.  

Dianthus Firewitch self-seeded!  I'll be leaving a few, but others will be potted up. 

I love the Fire Cracker penstemon!  I've had it for years, and it's managed to spread a bit, enabling me to plant it elsewhere. This is in the Pollinator Garden.

Just common sage grown from Dollar Tree 25¢ seeds!  

Juniper thyme 

The Turkish sage is putting out and up its flowers for the second year.  I waited four years from seed for the first flowers, so am happy to see they're back!  I waited so long because the plants are pretty even without flowers.

This is what they looked like last year.  These are Turkish sage, Phlomis russeliana, not the related Jerusalem sage, Phlomis fruticosa. 

It's pretty in winter too.  Worth the long wait!

 It's been raining here, and cold.  Very cold.  The foothills and mountains got snow yesterday!  Yet, next weekend the temperatures are forecast to be near 90°!

from my bedroom door, zoomed in


  1. What caught my eye was the Turkish sage, and I looked it up. I am fairly certain I've never seen it. So not edible but lovely flowers and the leaves retain their scent when dried. I could wish I had room for one.

    1. It's very striking. I don't remember where I heard of it, but got seeds off eBay all those years ago. The plants are spreading too!

  2. The Turkish Sage is fascinating in all seasons, for sure! I know what you mean about lots blooming now in advance of GBB Day. I know many things will be be flowering on the 15th, but so much is happening now! :)

  3. It's that time of year. Lots and lots of flowers.

    1. It just takes a few weeks and things look so much brighter and hopeful!

  4. Looking good! I really like Discovered Treasure, beautiful colors. I'm still working on weeding as well.

    1. Four more varieties opened yesterday. I'm glad iris needs dividing, since there are all from a friend who divided hers! I also find them free on the sidewalks after people divide them. Same goes for daylilies, grateful they get divided and my friend grows them!

  5. Your garden is absolutely gorgeous. I love the iris -- I've had those colours on separate flowers, but never on the same one. Amazing.


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