Shadow Shot Sunday - September 15, 2024


  1. A historic trail, and a part of history that I knew nothing about.

    1. Neither did I until I saw this marker! There is a nearby town named Applegate, and Applegate River, Applegate Lake, etc. that are thought to be named for Lindsay Applegate, who explored the valley while blazing the Applegate trail. I don't know why they say Lindsay and not one of his two brothers. The marker is in a strange place, stuck in the lawn near the exit drive at a public school. I guess that was the very spot of the trail.

  2. I like those information posts you can learn alot.

  3. That's pretty cool. I love stuff like this. Back in the day Washington Irving came through Oklahoma and there are quite a few monuments to where he camped on his travels. Of course they couldn't go very far in a day.

    1. Since our usual walk is not accessible (park closed for renovation) Mickey and I take a different route and happened on this. I didn't know anything about the Applegate Trail before, and never wondered why so many things nearby are named Applegate! I'm not from here...


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