Tuesday Treasures - September 10, 2024

 Some of you may recognize what this is right off, but I didn't.  All I knew is that it was marked Germany, looked interesting, looked old, in working condition, and cheap.  The cheap came after I noticed the other things, then I saw it wasn't priced.  The employee at Goodwill took it to the back and was gone a long time.  I could see her back there talking to someone else, then went out of sight for a time too.  I think they were trying to look it up.  There seemed to be a disagreement as to price, the woman came back and gave me a higher one than the sticker.  She corrected herself and said they had disagreed, someone else wanted the higher price.  

Oh!  "It" is an art deco era (in the US that's '20s and '30s) cigarette box made of brass, leather, and Lucite!  As I said, made in Germany.  

With my discount it was just $2.24. 

I've never smoked, and never will, so this can hold other things, or just look elegant on the shelf.  


  1. It's cool. So many cigarette paraphernalia around. I'm sure there are other things it can be used for.

  2. My first thought was to store Q tips in the bathroom but would have to think about whether the moisture would harm the brass and leather. Should be ok if the room is well ventilated!


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