What's Happening at the Park? September 2024

 As you may remember, or not, the neighborhood park it closed for renovations.  It's frustrating for poor Mickey to be fenced out of his usual sniffing route.   We can still get into the playground of the school, but now that school is open again we can only access it on weekends, holidays, and after 5:00pm.  It's not nearly as fun a walk either, as the "grass" areas are really just dirt and star thistles.  I supposed the same water lines to the park are used for the schoolyard, and it's all dead now.

Yesterday morning Mickey and I took a walk and here's what's happening.  

The blue is some sort of court, maybe pickleball.  They were adding pickleball courts.  I have no idea what their courts would look like, or know a pickleball if one hit me in the head!

Signs of autumn were all around.

A knot hole in a tree. 

And, the first time Mickey used a fire hydrant for its given purpose (other than providing water during a fire)!  Mickey has an extremely pretty tail!  

It was a nice morning, clear skies and cool temperatures, so we had a nice time.  We did have to watch out for star thistles.  


  1. Nice captures! 1st time am hearing of pickleball.

    1. I need to find out what pickleball is! They took out the tennis courts of it, so it must be popular.

  2. Those pesky kids and needing those school grounds... Another vacation will be here before you know it (or the park renovations will be complete).


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