Skywatch Friday - September 13, 2024

Skywatch Friday

It's clear and cool now, but on the 8th the sunrise looked like this.  Pretty, but wildfire smoke was the reasons, so not so fun to breath, and it makes the eyes burn.

About half an hour later my son took this photo, texted it to me with the caption, "Sink to Hell."  (I'm glad the counter was fairly clean!  It was supposed to be replaced when I had the floor done, but miscommunication, on their part, and a unexpectedly large price increase for my choice, that was cancelled.)

An air tanker two days earlier.

I'm enjoying the cooler weather, but for feeling under the weather myself.  Nothing major, just a first autumn cold.  The sky was so clear last night the moon was too bright to look at, and it wasn't even full!  Early this morning so many stars were visible, and the Big Dipper was right above me.  I was up too early, before 6:00am.  I was out too early because I go out with Mickey, since I don't trust him not to bark, and no one wants their neighbor's dog barking that early!

Have a nice weekend.


  1. Too many of us are seeing those skies. Great to photograph. Not great to breathe. I'm happy we didn't this year (unlike last year) here on the East Coast, but it seems the West Coast is plagued worse and worse each year. I hope you feel better soon.

  2. Yes, the wildfires (and air quality) are terrible right now. So glad our heat wave is over, at least for now. I have a nearly identical "sink to Hell" in our guest bathroom!

  3. Beautiful photos. We are very familiar with the wildfires in my neck of the woods. No fun at all and so devastating.

  4. It's not fun when the color is just wrong. The sky feels off. Disjointed. Uneasy. I'm glad to hear you've got cooler temps. And less smoke.


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