Sunday Stamps - September 15, 2024

Sunday Stamps has us traveling this week to destinations we'd like to visit. 

After quite a bit of thought, I realized I'm done traveling!  I've done it, and I no longer enjoy plane rides.  Now, it's all I can do to fly 55 minutes from my city to another in the same state!  

But... there are plenty of things to see and do right here in my own state of Oregon and nearby Northern California.   Destinations still, but not far-off travel.  

USA 1934 showing Crater Lake in Oregon.

Crater Lake is a volcanic crater lake formed over 7,000 years ago with the collapse of Mount Mazama.   On interesting thing about Crater Lake is there are no rivers flowing in, and no rivers flowing out.  Between rain and snow, and evaporation, the total water is replaced every 150 years or so.  Crater Lake is day trip length from where I live.

If this next image were a painting I'd buy it!

USA 2009, Oregon Statehood 150 years

I love the Oregon, Washington, and Northern California coasts.  No, not sunny Southern California with their bathing beaches!  I like the foggy, tidepool beaches.  They're what I grew up on.  This image does not illustrate a specific place on the Oregon coast. 

USA 2020 Greetings from Oregon

Postcard people will recognize this, it's the Large Letter postcard look!  The post office issued one of these resembling vintage postcards for all 50 states.  This features windsurfers on Lost Lake, with Mount Hood in the background.

USA 2000, California Statehood 150 years

Big Sur, Monterey County

Up next, yellow.


  1. I’ve seen postcards of Crater Lake and it looks beautiful. I’m with you about being done with traveling, even though I always go once a year to Italy, but I would not mind seeing Shetland islands.

  2. I am with you on the plane travel. My dream destinations are now just that - dreams! I have been to San Francisco and Vancouver, but nowhere in between. I also prefer the rugged, foggy coasts to beaches. I have the complete set of those Greeting From state postcards (somewhere...)

  3. I've been there. It's a beautiful lake.

  4. I've done very little traveling on the West Coast. I've only been there three times (once, to Seattle and Portland, once to San Diego, once for an Alaskan cruise. Your stamps make me remember how much there is to see that I never have. But I have been done with air travel for a long time, and, I'll probably have to get out there by air - sigh.

  5. I've been to Crater Lake. It's gorgeous. I went in October (I think), and snow was on the ground. Not much, but it was pretty cool. Oregon is so beautiful. You have plenty to visit just in your own backyard.

  6. I chose close destinations too. There are wonderful places everywhere!
    By the way, I am getting all those large letters stamps thanks to a friend's project (, and I really love them!


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