It's Snowing - February 3, 2025

 They said it was going to snow.  They were right.  They say it's supposed to snow all day.  We'll see they were right about that later. 

It's pretty. 

Poor Pinky... I keep forgetting to take her into the shed.  

Guinevere looks like she put on a fur hat and shawl!

While the flamingo went for just the head covering. 

The driveway at noon. 

For now the pathway is still showing!

I'm glad I left the Turkish sage, Phenomenal lavender and yarrow seed heads. 

Snow is also fun!  


  1. Wow, you certainly have a lot more snow than we do here in S. Wisconsin. We had less than 2 inches for all of January, and there's currently no snow on the ground. Beautiful photos and fun videos!

  2. I hope you're enjoying your snow. (We're supposed to get some rain this week. We'll see.)

  3. ...and who says that snow isn't beautiful?


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