Wordy Wednesday in Early February, 2025

Yesterday was another snowy one.   

A branch broke off the deodar cedar.  It's stuck up in the tree.  It's not a particularly big branch, but its loss does make a gap in the pretty drooping limbs.

Mickey had a new bone and wanted to take it outside.  He often takes them out back to chew them on the grass.  I told him it was snowing, but he insisted!  At first he stood to chew it, but in the end brought it, and snow, back inside.  White dogs aren't white in the snow!

Guinevere changed hats since yesterday to one much taller.

Snow and Coke is okay, but it's not quite a Slurpee!  I'll try to remember to get some snow-cone syrup during the summer and put it aside for snow.  Then, we won't get any snow... 

I made some blueberry muffins while I watched the snow falling.  I added a bit of streusel, which I don't normally do.  Not my own blueberries.  My bushes all died a few years ago.  Hot summers and wildfire smoke are both bad for blueberries.  Since the hot summers are now a regular thing (hopefully not the smoke), I won't get more.

This was left in the gutter down by the park that's being renovated (I'll update its progress when the weather is better).  A passerby noticed it on a weekday, and after the next weekend it was still there, so brought it to me. Probably an old version of whatever they installed.  A fun garden decoration!   It's not big, not like a manhole cover!  

It's nearly pea planting time.  I got just three things from Baker Creek.  I wasn't going to grow tomatoes from seed, then read about these fuzzy ones and couldn't resist!   They sent a free packet with my purchase of Yedikule lettuce.  It's a kind of romaine.  I used to grow lettuce very well, so we'll see what happens with this.

More Dollar Tree seeds. 4/$1.25 now, but that's still an amazing price. The bigger pack on top has a lot more seeds, and was $1.25 itself.   The helichrysum (strawflower) has a new photo on the packet, not a very attractive one!  The old one showed flowers of all colors.

Come back tomorrow for Thursday Postcard Hunt to see what I've been "hunting."


  1. ...deodar cedars are wonderful, but they don't grow here.

    1. They are beautiful. There are few native cedars here, I think mine are incense. Oh, make that singular, I had the big one cut down in September.

  2. My "white" dog isn't white in snow either. LOL. Blueberry muffins--yum! Enjoy the snow. We're getting a little tonight, and a little more on the weekend.


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